Monday 30 July 2012


I do love my job but sometimes it seriously just doesn't feel like work!  One glorious day in June, a group of us got together and spent the day surrounded by our lovely vintage memorabilia, gorgeous flowers and fabulous cakes so that we could show you some of our props for hire.

Kirsten (aka The Little Wedding Helper and I often work together so we thought it made sense to show you some of both our props.  I love working with Kirsten as she's so creative and has a real eye for detail and we always have fun.  

We were incredibly lucky to have the very talented Frances Taylor taking photos with beautiful flowers by Emma King Norton and stunning cakes by Anne Gliddon (Pretty Amazing Cakes). 

Kirsten and I are able to hire out these lovely wooden Church chairs.

These are just some of the props available from Kirsten and myself and we're always adding more to the list!

Always smiling - Kirsten having fun whilst Emma and I organise the bunting!

Thanks to Frances Taylor for the beautiful photos, to Emma King Norton for the flowers and her time and Anne Gliddon for the yummy cakes!  And, of course, to Kirsten who is always amazing!


  1. to Emma King Norton for the flowers and her time and Anne Gliddon for the yummy cakes!

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